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reports and publications

These are some of the reports and publications on cetaceans and dugongs in the Philippines. This is in no way a comprehensive list. Please email the principal authors directly for pdf copies.

Dolar, M.L., Aquino, T., Sabater, E. Solis, E.F. and Perrin, W.F.P. Preliminary results on the ecology and distribution of a newly discovered population of Irrawaddy dolphins in Iloilo Strait, Philippines. Poster presented at the 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals . 12-16 Oct. 2009. Quebec, Canada.

Dolar, M.L.L. Ecology and Conservation of Two Coastal Cetaceans: Tursiops aduncus and Stenella longirostris roseiventris in Balabac Strait, Palawan, Philippines. Technical Report submitted to Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong (OPCFHK). March 7, 2009.

Dolar, M.L.L., Aquino, T., Perrin, W.F. and Alava, M.N.R. Preliminary results of the cetacean survey in Balabac Strait, Philippines. Poster presented at the 17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Capetown, South Africa. Nov. 27-Dec. 3, 2007.

Dolar, M.L.L. 2007. Marine Mammals in the three marine biodiversity conservation corridors in the Philippines: Verde Island Passage, Balabac Strait and the Cagayan Ridge. Sulu-Sulawesi Congress, June 21-23, 2007. Richmond Hotel, Metro Manila, Philippines. (Spoken).

Dolar, M.L.L., Perrin, W.F.P., Taylor, B.L. and Kooyman, G.L. 2006. Abundance and distributional ecology of cetaceans in the central Philippines. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. 8(1): 93-111.

Dolar, M.L.L.. 2006. Marine Mammals of the Marine Biodiversity Conservation Corridors in the Philippines: Verde Island Passage, Balabac Strait and the Cagayan Ridge. A Technical Report submitted to Conservation International- Philippines. 60 pp.

Dolar, M.L.L., Calumpong, H.P. W.F. Perrin, and Estacion, J. 2005. Rediscovery of a dugong in the southern Visayan Sea. Poster presented at the 16th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. San Diego, CA, U.S.A. 12-16 Dec., 2005.

Dolar, M. L. L., W. A. Walker, G. L. Kooyman, and W. L Perrin. 2003. Comparative feeding ecology of spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) and Fraser’s dolphins (Lagenodelphis hosei) in the Sulu Sea. Marine Mammal Science, 19: 1-19.

Dolar, L. and Perrin, W.F.P. A dwarf sperm whale (Kogia sima) habitat in the Philippines. Poster presented at the 15th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Greensboro, North Carolina, U.S.A 14-19 Dec. 2003.

Dolar, M.L.L. Cetacean by-catch in the Philippines. WWF- Sponsored Symposium, FAO Meeting, Rome, Feb. 26, 2002. (Spoken presentation)

Dolar, L.M.A., W.F. Perrin, J.P. Gaudiano, A.A. Yaptinchay, & J.M.L. Tan. 2002. A small estuarine population of Orcaella brevirostris of uncertain status in the Philippines. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 10:155-165.

Dolar, M.L.L. and Perrin, W.F. Cetacean habitats in the eastern Sulu Sea and Tañon Strait, Philippines. Second Workshop on the Biology and Conservation of small cetaceans and dugongs in Southeast Asia. July 24-26, 2002. Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Philippines. (Spoken presentation)

Dolar, M.L.L. “Abundance, Distribution and Feeding Ecology of Small Cetaceans in the eastern Sulu Sea and Tanon Strait, Philippines.” Ph.D. diss., Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, 1999.

Dolar, M.L.L. Comparative distribution, abundance and feeding ecology of two dolphin species in the Philippines. Oral presentation at the 13th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Nov. 28-Dec. 3, 1999. Wailea, Maui, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Dolar, M.L.L., A.A. Yaptinchay, S.A. Jaaman, M.D. Santos, M.S. Suliansa, W.F. Perrin, & M. Alava. 1997. Preliminary survey of cetacean distribution and abundance and human/marine mammal-interactions in Malaysia and Philippine Waters of the Southern Sulu Sea. Asian Journal of Marine Biology, (14): 61-81.

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