There are many ways you can help BALYENA.ORG with its work. We are always in need of volunteers to assist us in our research, education and conservation work. Your time, effort, and skills are valuable to us. Any offers on help in administrative, office, research, outreach and fundraising work are greatly appreciated. If you have spare time in your hands, please do apply as a volunteer for our research expeditions. Aside from becoming a volunteer, we are also eager to hear about your sightings, support our fundraising by buying one of our Balyena.org products, or donate in cash or in-kind to one of our projects.
Funding for our work is primarily provided for by grants, individual donations and volunteers support. We do not have salaried staff and so every contribution goes directly to research, education and conservation efforts.
If you have any ideas on how you can help or how we can help you, please email us!